‘It’s Time for GPP’ – new project by Epidermia for GPP patients

In July 2024, Epidermia, Greece, launched a website entitled ‘It’s Time for GPP’ – an exciting new project aimed at patients with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (GPP). ‘It’s Time for GPP’ is implemented with the support of IFPA and Boehringer Ingelheim, within the framework of their funding program ‘Project Rare GPP’.

The website is https://timeforgpp.gr/ and the main aim of it is to provide GPP patients with useful advices on wellbeing and coping with daily life.

The website consists of easy-to-use advices for wellbeing while living with GPP, based around a fun and easy-to-use concept of a clock and different daily activities that are usually carried out at particular times of the day. 

The website is attractive and deliberately designed with an optimistic color palette and fun graphics, which are informative, clear and easily understandable. The textual content of the website (advice about wellbeing, nutrition, sleep etc) was written by a psychologist (who has expertise in working with patients with psoriatic disease), following consultation with patients via a focus group. This process not only gave valuable information to the project and enabled the psychologist and designers to produce a site which is useful, applicable and easy to understand for patients, but also supported patient empowerment by including their ideas and opinions at the start of the project, as experts of their own experiences.

Social media posts and leaflets are also being used to promote the site and make it known around the patient community.

 A patient questionnaire will be undertaken after the site has been running for some months to evaluate patients’ experiences of the usefulness of the site.